Your Privacy brings Peace and Power.

A few week ago, something unexpected and personal came up for me.

I quickly had to navigate, make some arrangements, but in the end everything worked out and worked out 10x better than expected…I am a firm believer it always does! ⁣

What helped, was I didn’t go around telling everyone or come onto social media blasting about it. Privacy is power, it helps to establish healthy boundaries, brings peace and avoids undue stress, judgements, and unsolicited advice from outside sources. ⁣

Of course it’s healthy to vent, we all experience different thoughts and emotions, but talk with a trusted resource then move on. Society thrives off drama, negativity and I refuse to feed into it. ⁣

Everyone has free will to share what they desire, but myself I choose to remain private. ⁣

My intention with social media and in the real world, is to bring value, and share experiences that I believe someone may relate to and/or influence to make healthful changes. Even when those experiences aren’t the greatest I don’t go into detail, but the lesson from it. ⁣

A private life is a peaceful life. ⁣

Xoxo, Angela